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Thursday, March 4, 2010


As of most recently I collected 200 pounds of perfectly smooth round river rocks. I did not have a purpose for them yet. I began placing them next to bodies of water. This is so when someone like myself goes up to the shore and they want to skip a stone they look down and see the perfect tool for the job. They think that they have found it on their own. They skip it and most likely it will be the best skip they have ever had in their life. I will not be there for the event so the only proof I have of the action is its absence from the location where I placed it. Skipping stones is a very ancient practice. It is also a way to physically connect man with the elements. The rock was molded by fire once lava from the core of the earth, then fractured by ice, Then it fell into the river and was molded by water, then it spent time at the bottom of the river bed, I came along and picked it up and carried it home, then placed on the shore of some body of water, then picked up by a passer by, finally cutting through the wind as it skips across the pond and sinks to the bottom. This process makes this series a form of performance art as well. They will never know me or the lengths the stone went through to be in their hands. They are just receiving a pure quiet moment skipping a stone.

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